トップページ > Product > Lead hook pole > Oval < original type > Stationary type LFP-DG01
Oval < original type > Stationary type LFP-DG01
Only one design in the world! Moving is also possible.
It is a pole for hanging a dog lead.
By designing the entire elliptical pole as a sign, the advertising function or design can be enhanced to fit the store facade.
In addition, by changing the wrapping, it is possible to change the clothes in response to periodic events and product fluctuations. By recruiting sponsor advertisements, it is also possible to reduce costs by advertising expenses.
■ Stationary type It is a type with concrete weight.
Ideal for events, periodical use, or where you want to place your location at any time.
Note: Dogs weighing less than 20 kg can be used.

Pole |
Steel Baking finish plating |
Hook |
Stainless steel |
Weight |
Print sheet Paste print sheet |
Sign |
Brass etching finish |
* Please contact us for the delivery date because it is made to order.



【納入実績】南町田グランベリーパーク 『ドッグ衛生施設セット』