Product【Wall lead hook】

トップページ >  Product  > Wall lead hook >  Poodle / Toy Poodle  LFP-DG312

Poodle / Toy Poodle  LFP-DG312

No.1 popular dog Poodle / Toy Poodle

Popular poodle / toy poodle silhouette with bright and obedient personality and lovely curly hair Contains the characters "DOG HOOK". The hook locks the lead string firmly and the lead can be easily and securely hooked. Because it is made of stainless steel, it can be permanently installed outside the building.

Mounting method < concrete, block, etc.>
Mounting method < Wood >
* Suitable for small and medium sized dogs



Stainless steel (# 500 polished finish)


Cutting sheet


* Suitable for small and medium sized dogs

Lead hook mounting method When mounting on < concrete, block>
Lead hook mounting method When mounting on wood < pillar, wood>