Sheraton Grande Tokyo Bay Hotel “Dog sanitation facilities”

About Sheraton Grande Tokyo Bay Hotel
At the Sheraton Grande Tokyo Bay Hotel, “Dog Lovers Suite at Tokyo Bay”, where you can stay with your loved one, was born. We have a dog lounge and a dedicated check-in counter, and our “dog friendly room”, which is equipped with Sheraton’s original amenities, allows you to spend a relaxing time with your dog.
Quoted from “Sheraton Grande Tokyo Bay Hotel Dog Lovers Suite at Tokyo Bay”
Our dog sanitation facility is set up on the way out of the dog lovers suite lounge to the dog terrace “DOG TERRACE”.
※ From the front
Poop box < post type >
The upper box contains a plastic bag, and the lower box can be thrown away with a plastic bag with a poop.
It is a pole-integrated poop trash bin that is neatly organized even in places where there is no installation space.
Shower Place < Rev Wood Type >
It is a faucet made of recycled wood in a water tray containing the footprints of the dog.
There is a mesh under the eye plate to make it hard for clogging with dog’s hair or garbage. The water pan and faucet can be combined according to customer preference.
Dog toilet < Special order: Flushing pee pole type >
It is a custom-made dog toilet <water-wash pee pole type>. The dog shower <brick type> is combined with a flushing pee pole.
Since there is not enough space to install a dog toilet this time, we have installed a custom-designed dog toilet, but besides this property we will make proposals according to various requests and budgets of customers so please feel free to contact us!
Sheraton Grande Tokyo Bay Hotel



【納入実績】南町田グランベリーパーク 『ドッグ衛生施設セット』