Joban Expressway Moriya SA Up Line Dog Run
NEXCO East Japan promoted SAPA's "Michinaka" sales facility as a pasar, and renovated Moriya SA. With the installation of a new dog run, we adopted our dog run products.

About Moriya Service Area
The Moriya Service Area (Moriya Service Area) is a service area of the Joban Expressway in Ogashiwa and Nogizaki, Moriya City, Ibaraki Prefecture. It opened on March 19, 2014 as “Pasar Moriya (Pasar Moriya)”.
The renewed Moriya SA (up) has a design that is inspired by the Forest of Grace. Pasar Moriya is the fifth store of “Pasa (r Pasar)”. Restaurants, food courts, cafes, bakeries, and shopping corners have 21 stores that actively use local ingredients.
Dog toilet < Washing pee pole type >
It is a pee pole with a washing function. When the button is pressed, the water flows to wash the dog’s pee. The water is automatically stopped after a certain period of time, so there is no need to worry about keeping it flowing.
Installed before the dog run and letting the toilet run before entering the dog run keeps the dog run hygienic.
Dog shower combination < Brick type >
Water drink for dogs only< Mock tree type >
○Dog shower combination <Brick type>
In addition to the normal hand shower, there is a foot shower that gives a shower to the dog’s feet. After playing in a dog run, the owner can wash the dog’s feet in a comfortable position.
○ Water drink for dogs only <Mock tree type>
This is a dog-specific drinking water that resembles a stump. The water is designed to drain automatically, so clean water is always available and sanitary.



【納入実績】南町田グランベリーパーク 『ドッグ衛生施設セット』